After 7 years of faithful service and over a million orders taken, we are finally retiring our current website. Although it was cutting edge when we launched it back in 2010, it has sadly become too old and intractable to keep up with the modern consumer and so like a thoroughbred that is too old to race, It is being put out to pasture and enjoy a long deserved rest.

Very soon now, we will be unveiling our brand new, all singing, all dancing website. Completely designed from the ground up by Advansys Ecommerce Solutions (Their website can be found HERE), the new website will have features we only dreamed about having previously, for example;

100% scalability, this means that regardless of the device you are viewing on, the webpage will scale to your screen giving you a faultless experience without scrolling to see the whole page.

Customer Accounts, you can create your own personalised shopping account which will allow us to reward loyalty and provide individual discounts and specially created offers, just for you.

A shipping calculator, now you can find out the shipping costs of the item(s) you want to order in advance of checking out.

Single Page Checkout, rather than the current 3 page Checkout on our site at the moment.

An Intuitive Search Facility, You can search for an item in multiple ways with Brand, Keyword, Usage and more.

The web pages have been completely revamped to provide a much cleaner and more informative display and will be more intuitive and easier overall to use and find the things you are looking for.



Above is a mock up of the homepage.

Today, we begin the mammoth task of transitioning over to the new website, this means that from today, we are locking the content of the existing website, it means no new products will be added and the only update we make from now, will be stock control. Also, this blog as it is now, is integrated into the current website which means that this will be the last blog for a while, however, you can still follow us on Twitter: @HomecareMedia and also on Facebook: /Homecare Essentials. Any announcements or notices will be posted there until the new website is up and running which we are hoping to be sometime January 2017, fingers crossed.

This is Homecare Essentials, signing off for a while.

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