The banner says it all really, Our friends over at HG have provided us with promotional bottles of Hygienic Toilet Gel and Bathroom Scale Away to allow us to do an offer for you, our wonderful customers.
You do not need to do anything apart from buy any HG product or products totaling £10 or more and we will include either a promotional bottle of Hygienic Toilet Gel or a promotional bottle of Bathroom Scale Away in your order for you completely free of charge. If you want to splash out and buy £25 of HG products or product then we will include both promotional bottles as a thank you.
Now, we do not have an infinite supply of these promotional bottles so it will be a while stocks last offer. Sadly, we cannot take a preference on which bottle you will receive as the item(s) will be added to the order manually during the packing process so choosing which promotional bottle you will receive is not going to be possible but hey it’s FREE so its all good right!
The promotion is live from 4pm today so any orders that qualify will receive their freebies today and going forward.