Living in a rural location, for more years than I care to remember, Spring for me started with a smell of the next door neighbour Mr Cooper creosoting the garden fence we shared. I am sure many people will remember the nose hair singeing smell that lingered for days, very much a Marmite product, you either loved the smell or you hated it but it was incredibly effective at protecting and colouring the fence for the coming year.
Flash forward to 2003, The European Commission has banned the sale of creosote-treated wood after it was found that there could be a cancer risk. Scientists carrying out a study for the commission have found that creosote is much more hazardous than originally thought.
The ban took effect from June 30, 2003. Wood treated with creosote before the directive came into force could be sold on the second-hand market. One of the prohibited uses is in parks, gardens and in outdoor and recreational leisure where there is a risk of frequent skin contact. It also applies to the manufacture of garden furniture, and in the manufacture, use and treatment of containers for growing purposes. Scientists told the com-mission that “there is evidence to support the opinion that there is a cancer risk to consumers from creosote with benzo-a-pyrene (BaP) at a lower concentration than that currently permissible under EC legislation and/or from wood containing such creosote. “
Well that stopped our next door neighbour in his tracks, Creosote was a banned substance and unless you were a registered trades person in the agriculture field , you couldn’t buy it any more.
Flash forward again to early 2018, Bartoline Europe’s leading manufacturer of decorating sundries for the home improvement industry, developed an alternative to the highly dangerous and carcinogenic creosote.
Titled Creocote, the liquid has all the same properties as the now long banned Creosote, including the all too familiar smell, but has none of the toxicity or harmful ingredients of the original Creosote.
Available to buy in two shades, Light Brown and Dark Brown and available in two sizes, 4 Litres cans for small jobs and 20 litre barrels for larger jobs and bigger gardens.
Creocote has proven to be an extremely popular product and constantly sells out very quickly and all the reviews are positive from customers who have purchased it. to make it easier for you to get your garden woodwork looking it’s best, with every 20 litres of Creocote you buy, we will give you an applicator brush worth £5.25 completely FREE.

Well, Mr Cooper moved away a few years ago, but if you are reading this, and you have a garden fence that needs sorting out, you know where to come.